About Me

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i n juz a normal gurlz.. no beautiful.. so so oni.. no special.. but i sure my life hv a lot of suprise.. i love my family n frenz

Friday, May 8, 2009

u can do it..but me cant

after tis time...
u oways can be sleep
u wont be worry about watt....
u knw me..
i cant sleep u knw..
hoe u feel ...
u dont hv any feel
is like all is my mind n mood..
all is mu decision n thinking..
no do like that..can??
i do difficult..
is it u oredi cant appreciate??

feel so down..
.u can happy go lucky..
but sry ..i wont,,,
dun everytime say sry n didnt thinking of the conclusion
sry is nothing u knw..
is hoe u knw 2 make ur dun say sry
n make u no more chance 2 say sry
i hate u oway get emotion..
i m not the rubbish dump..
all throw ;;
n after say srt 2 me..
that is useless ..u know..
if the hurt is get..
that will no easily...to be health..
think ur self..
i dunno hoe 2 say//
gud nite

1 comment:

  1. peng~~
    try 2 understand him~~
    love is wan 2 believe each other~~
    so gambateh loo~~
    u n him will ok de~~
